zone out :
If you zone out, you stop being aware of what is happening around you, either because you are relaxed or because you are bored.
當你 zone out表示你不知道四周發生什麼事情,
When the men start talking about basketball, I just zone out.
space out :
to lose one’s concentration 失去專注力
Stop spacing out and work on your homework.
space out 還有做白日夢的意思
I always space out in chemistry class; it’s so boring!
再來一個,tune out!
Tune out :
To stop paying attention to or mentally distance oneself from the environment or surroundings
I can tell the kids are tuning out when I start talking about verbs and pronouns.
按慣例來Reddit搜尋一下,會看到什麼跟zone out 有關的題目:
How frequently do you zone out?
Do you zone out all the time when someone’s talking? (這不太好吧XD)
Do you zone out for 2-3 seconds for no reason?
24/7, all day every day. (邊看邊點頭)
Sorry! Did you say something? Am I meant to respond? (哈經典示範)
What songs do you zone out to the most?
Guys of reddit, do you zone out when your woman gets all drama queen/bitchy on you to save your relationship?
(這樣是不是快分手的前兆,點播一首 Talk給你們)