Usually, if something kills you, that’s not a good thing. But you can use the expression “it killed me!” to mean that something moved you, or made you feel a strong emotion.
通常當我們說 something kills you,不是一件好事。但是你可以用這個句子 It killed me! / It kills me! 來表示被某件事感動,或者是引起你很強烈的情緒時 (很喜歡,很痛苦,很生氣) ,都可使用。
如果你看了一部悲傷的電影,你可以說 It killed me!
如果你聽到一個超爆笑的笑話,你可以說 It killed me!
如果你想要表達你說喜愛一個東西或人,你可以說 It kills me!
Toy Story 3 killed me. That’s one of the best movies ever made.
“That guy is so hot, it kills me.”
“It kills me when my baby smiles.”
“My boyfriend didn’t like The Hangover, but I thought it was hilarious. It killed me!”
That girl is so good looking she kills me.
What movies have you seen lately that have killed you?
如果在Reddit輸入it kills me,會找到很多貼文,下面這一貼有貓咪~
( 貓咪和我分開已經一個月了,很難過! )
I’ve been away from my kitties for a month and it kills me!
If it kills me… 前面多了 if 意思完全是另一回事了~