為什麼明明唱著Peter Pan的故事,卻聽起來有點哀傷呢?


真的有點哀傷,不過,Lost Boys最終找到了屬於他的家。


話說最近看到一個醫生分享的家庭故事,(跟錢有關) (跟歌曲無關)


There was a time when I was alone             曾經有一段時間很寂寞
Nowhere to go and no place to call home     沒有可以落腳的地方,也沒有可以稱為家的地方
My only friend was the man in the moon      當時唯一的朋友在月亮上
And even sometimes he would go away, too 而他也有離開的時候

[Verse 1]
Then one night, as I closed my eyes,                  有一個晚上,當我閉上眼睛
I saw a shadow flying high                                  我看到了一個影子在高空飛翔
He came to me with the sweetest smile               他帶著最甜美的微笑,朝我飛過來
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile                     他告訴我,他想跟我聊一聊
He said, "Peter Pan. That's what they call me.      他說:「大家叫我彼得潘,
I promise that you'll never be lonely."                     我保證永遠不會讓你孤單。」
And ever since that day...                                     於是從那天開始...

I am a lost boy from Neverland                            我是來自夢幻島的迷失的男孩
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan                     常常和 彼得潘 一起閒晃
And when we're bored we play in the woods         我們無聊的時候就到森林裡嬉戲
Always on the run from Captain Hook                  和虎克船長玩追逐的遊戲
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me,                   「跑吧!跑吧!迷失的男孩」他們對我說
"Away from all of reality."                                     「逃離真實的世界」

Neverland is home to lost boys like me               夢幻島 對迷失的男孩們 就像家一樣
And lost boys like me are free                            迷失的男孩們,如我,都是自由的

[Verse 2]
He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe       他把仙塵粉灑向我,並告訴我要相信
Believe in him and believe in me                                    相信他,也相信自己
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green                    只要在一起就可以飛越綠色的雲朵
To your beautiful destiny                                                前往美麗的宿命之所
As we soared above the town that never loved me            當我們佇立在那個從來沒有愛過我的城鎮上方
I realized I finally had a family                                         我終於明白,我有家人了。
Soon enough we reached Neverland                                很快的我們就到了夢幻島
Peacefully my feet hit the sand                                       我的雙腳靜靜地觸及夢幻島的沙灘
And ever since that day...                                               於是從那天開始...

I am a lost boy from Neverland                                  我是來自夢幻島的迷失的男孩
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan                          常常和 彼得潘 一起閒晃
And when we're bored we play in the woods              我們無聊的時候就到森林裡嬉戲
Always on the run from Captain Hook                       和虎克船長玩追逐的遊戲
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me,                       「跑吧!跑吧!迷失的男孩」他們對我說
"Away from all of reality."                                        「逃離真實的世界」

Neverland is home to lost boys like me                   夢幻島 對迷失的男孩們 就像家一樣
And lost boys like me are free                               迷失的男孩們,如我,都是自由不受拘束的

Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darling,                    彼得潘 ,叮噹仙女,親愛的溫蒂,
Even Captain Hook.                                                甚至是 虎克船長
You are my perfect story book                                 你們都是我完美的故事書裡的一員
Neverland, I love you so,                                          夢幻島 ,我這麼愛你
You are now my home sweet home                          你對我而言就像甜蜜的家一樣
Forever a lost boy at last                                         終於,迷失的男孩有了家

And for always I will say...                                       永遠的....

I am a lost boy from Neverland                                 我是來自夢幻島的迷失的男孩
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan                          常常和 彼得潘 一起閒晃
And when we're bored we play in the woods              我們無聊的時候就到森林裡嬉戲
Always on the run from Captain Hook                      和虎克船長玩追逐的遊戲
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me,                       「跑吧!跑吧!迷失的男孩」他們對我說
"Away from all of reality."                                          「逃離真實的世界」

Neverland is home to lost boys like me                   夢幻島 對迷失的男孩們 就像家一樣
And lost boys like me are free                                迷失的男孩們,如我,都是自由不受拘束的


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