經常聽到別人用down to earth (down-to-earth)來形容一個人,
Practical or humble; unpretentious.
有可能佔有重要的社會地位,但是並沒有認為自己比較重要或高人一等,認為自己和大家都是一樣的。親切沒有距離感的明星,就很常被用down to earth 來形容。
總之,有人用down to earth來形容你的話,是很好的讚美啊~
下面這篇網頁還列了19點 (!) down to earth所表達的一個人的特質:(也包含太多了吧!) Are you Down To Earth?
WikiHow還有一篇教人們如何做一個down to earth的人(話說這種事是學習的來的嗎?:How to be down to earth?
She’s a really down to earth person.
Gloria is probably the most down to earth person I’ve ever met.
Fisher, speaking to People, said his wife is “down-to-earth and genuine.” (看到好幾個句子,後面都會跟著and genuine)
類似的用法有:have / keep both feet on the ground
Even after she became famous, she always kept her feet on the ground.
Which celebrity do you think is the most down to earth ? Why ?
跟down to earth相反的字詞有這些說法:
go to someone’s head / have a big head (自傲,驕傲)
You did a good job on that project, but don’t let it go to your head.
Janice has had a bit of a big head ever since she got that promotion.
have one’s nose in the air / with one’s nose in the air
She walks around with her nose in the air like she’s some big shot.
have one’s head in the clouds
Most of the time she is having her head in the clouds.
同場加映 (前面加個動詞就不一樣了)
Bring down to earth / knock down to earth
I hate to be the one to bring you down to earth, but things aren’t as good as you think.