閱讀小說的時候經常會看到這幾個字:glimpse, glance, glare, gaze。
都有 [看] 的意思,但是意思不太一樣 (而且都g開頭,好煩喔)。
基本上glimpse 和 glance 都含有很快的看的意思 (a quick look),有人把這兩個字當成可以互換使用,但是其實還是有存在差異的。
glimpse :to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly
They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.
I glimpsed the knife before she slipped it into her bag.
⦼ glance :to give a quick short look
很快的看某樣東西,然後移開視線。 通常是指 刻意的行為 (intentional)。
She often glanced at her phone while waiting for the taxi.
Wyatt glanced around the restaurant.
He glanced nervously at his watch.
⦼ glare :to look directly and continuously at someone or something in an angry way
I glared at him because I was jealous of his new girlfriend.
The teacher glared at him as he walked in late.
⦼ gaze : to look at someone or something in a steady way and usually for a long time
Due to its beauty, I gazed at the waterfall’s brilliance (for a long time/for a while).
Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.
I lay back on the sand and gazed at the stars above.
⦼ stare :to look at someone or something for a long time often with your eyes wide open
She stared at the page for several minutes, trying to understand.
We just sat and stared at each other.
gaze 和 stare 都是長時間的看。但是情緒表達上不一樣。